Pain Relievers
- If you are experiencing pain, please take the prescribed pain relievers as directed by Dr. Sinno. Failure to do so may increase blood pressure and lead to increased bruising or risk of bleeding.
- Do not drive or operate machinery when using analgesics.
- Taking acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) during the first few days after your surgery may relieve pain and reduce analgesic requirements.
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Aspirin, Naproxen, etc.), as they may increase chances of bruising and bleeding.
- Refrain from smoking two weeks before and after your surgery. Smoking can compromise your circulation, lead to impairment of respiratory muscle function and delay healing, which may result in scarring or opening of the incisions.
- Exposure to second-hand smoke can have the same adverse effects and must be avoided.
Mobilization After Surgery
- It is important to walk at least three times per day during your recovery period.
- On the first day after surgery, your bed should only be used for sleeping at night. Throughout the day, you should be sitting in an upright position and walking as much as possible. This will help decrease swelling and reduce chances of developing serious complications, such as clotting in the legs and lungs.
- Walking will also reduce chances of developing constipation.
- The operated area should be elevated when sleeping or sitting in an upright position. This will decrease swelling and reduce pain, as well as chances of bleeding and infection.
- Strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting is not recommended for at least two weeks after surgery. Engaging in physically demanding activities may increase blood pressure and increase chances of bruising and bleeding. Heavy lifting can also lead to the opening of incisions, which may cause abnormal wound healing.
- It is not recommended to run or jog during the first two weeks after surgery. This may lead to excessive sweating, which may increase the risk of skin breakdown and infection.
- Please consult with Dr. Sinno before returning to the gym or engaging in any form of strenuous physical activity.
- In order to facilitate the healing process, you should eat a healthy, well-balanced and high-protein diet.
General Abnormal Signs
- Continuous bleeding that fails to stop after 15 minutes of applying direct pressure.
- An increase in pain intensity over time.
- A fever between 37.5-38.5ºC can be expected up to 3 days after surgery. Prolonged fever or any fever that exceeds 39ºC is considered abnormal.
- Constant shortness of breath.
- Inability to urinate despite the urge to urinate that is coupled with pain in the bladder.
Contacting Dr. Sinno
- If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sinno.
- Office hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Tel: 514-Dr-Sinno or (514-377-4666)
- Text line: 514-Dr-Sinno or (514-377-4666)
During non-office hours, you may contact the hospital’s (Cite de la Sante) on-call plastic surgery service at (450) 668-1010 ext. 0 or present to the emergency department in the case of any emergency at anytime.