How To Stop Hair Loss?

While there are ways to help minimize and prevent hair loss, such as by maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress, and practicing proper scalp care, genetics and hormonal issues require more robust solutions.

Our advanced hair restoration procedure of transplanting hair from one part of your body to another is a highly effective solution for addressing hair loss. During this procedure, our experienced doctors carefully extract healthy hair follicles from donor areas and transplant them to the thinning or balding areas of your scalp to ensure natural hair growth and long-lasting outcomes.

Hair Loss Men FolliclMD



Hair transplantation is currently the only permanent treatment of male pattern baldness (MPB). That being said, not every patient suffering of MPB is an eligible candidate. Indeed, since the procedure involves moving hair from an area of greater to lesser density, some patients might not have enough hair follicles left in the donor area to be taken out. At Follicl MD safety comes first. All our consultations include a careful hair evaluation through direct digital magnification to insure the potential of your donor area to undergo follicular unit extraction.


Female pattern baldness tends to be more subtle than male pattern baldness and its evolution is less predictable. Patients presenting with a receding hairline and/or temporal angles are usually good candidates for hair transplantation. The management of generalized thinning might differ and the appropriate course of treatment for you should be determined by your hair loss physician.

Hair Loss Women FolliclMD


Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)

This is the most common cause of hair loss in men and tends to run in families. People affected from this condition can notice progressive thinning and balding of specific areas of their scalp as early as puberty. The progression of male pattern baldness is predictable and classically involves the hairline, temples, mid-frontal and crown areas of the scalp. This is due to the sensitivity of the hair follicles in these regions to high concentrations of the androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT); a derivative of testosterone. DHT acts by decreasing the duration and number of hair follicles that are in their growing (anagen) phase, causing over time miniaturization and hair loss.

Female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)

The role of androgens in female pattern baldness and its mechanism are not as well understood as in male pattern baldness. Various factors, including hormonal imbalance, genetic predispositions, medical conditions, medication, or stress, can cause hair loss. Additionally, some women can experience postpartum hair loss, a temporary condition that affects many women 3–6 months after giving birth due to hormonal changes.

Women typically lose their hair later in life and in a less predictable pattern. They tend to present with deep temporal recessions and/or gradual thinning at the part line that is less distinct than for men.

Nutritional deficiencies & Eating disorders

The role of diet and nutrition in hair loss is a dynamic and growing area of research. Protein, vitamins and minerals are essential elements to the growing hair and severe deficiencies can result in skin changes and/or hair loss. Nutritional supplements should be taken if indicated following a comprehensive medical evaluation.

Systemic and psychiatric diseases

Hair loss can present as a symptom of several systemic conditions (i.e hormonal imbalances, thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases, emotional stress, depression, insomnia) and should require medication attention. Furthermore, a number of medications can cause hair loss as a side effect.

Physiological states

Hair loss can be triggered by certain physiological states that generally result in added stress and/or metabolic demand on the body such it is the case postpartum, post-operatively and after a prolonged episode of high fever.