Uses advanced AI to continuously analyze, monitor and track the parameters of each follicular unit 60 times per second and the position, angle, orientation and diameter of each individual hair follicle to avoid damaging your existing healthy hair.
AI-optimized harvesting, intelligent graft analysis and randomized selection from donor area ensures high-quality grafts and natural-looking results
With 44-micron resolution, the AI Follicl MD system accurately visualizes and analyzes each follicular unit, while repeatedly recognizing and identifying key features at the rate of 60 times per second.
Image-guided robotic alignment technology accurately and precisely harvests each follicular unit at the optimal angle
What is a Hair Transplant?
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique conducted under local anaesthesia, involving the relocation of hair follicles from donor-rich areas, typically the back of the head, to regions with thinning or no hair, such as the crown or front of the head.
This redistribution of hair aims to enhance the density of the scalp in thinning areas for both men and women. The transplanted hair retains its permanent characteristics, resulting in long-lasting outcomes.
When to Get a Hair Transplant?
A hair transplant is a suitable option for men and women of all ages facing noticeable hair loss, receding hairline, or thinning areas. Candidates that already have healthy hair on the side or the back of their head are ideal, as it will be this area from which the hair grafts will be extracted. Learn more about the causes of hair loss.
The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant Method
At Follicl MD, we specialize in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a modern hair transplant technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) using a specialized instrument and is carefully implanted into the recipient area. This procedure is performed with local anaesthesia, and you can expect minimal scarring, shorter recovery time, and a natural-looking hairline with increased density.
View before and after results using our FUE hair transplant method.
How Long Does it Take for Hair to Grow After a Transplant?
New hair growth usually begins within 3 to 4 months after the transplant. Initially, the hair may appear thin and sparse, but it will gradually thicken and become more noticeable over time. It can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months for the full results of the hair transplant to become evident. But results vary from person to person.
How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?
A hair transplant is a long-term solution for hair loss. That’s because hair transplant surgery provides a permanent solution to hair loss due to the genetic predisposition within the hair follicles rather than the scalp itself. These transplanted follicles maintain their original characteristics regardless of their new placement on the scalp, providing a fuller and more natural looking head of hair.
How Long Does Hair Transplant Take?
On average, an FUE hair transplant session can take 4 to 8 hours. However, multiple sessions may be required for more extensive transplant sessions, which can extend the overall treatment time.
How Many Grafts Do I Need for a Hair Transplant, and How Much Will It Cost?
The number of grafts required for a hair transplant varies from person to person. It depends on factors such as the extent of hair loss, the desired density, and the quality of the donor area. Minimal hair loss requires approximately 600 grafts and can go up to 3000 for extensive hair loss.
When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After a Hair Transplant?
You will be advised to wait for a specific period, typically around 24 – 48 hours, before washing your hair. Washing your hair too soon can prevent the newly transplanted grafts from settling and increases the risk that they become dislodged.
After the waiting period, you will be given instructions on gently washing your hair using mild shampoo and being careful not to rub or scrub the transplanted area. It is important to follow the instructions closely to ensure proper healing and to obtain the best possible results.